
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Please Give Me the Willpower......

This is in my house! Typically it wouldn't last more than 2 days but I feel i'm over that. I think my problem is that when I was younger and in my "fat free" craze I would NOT touch nuts at all! I mean they are fat right? So now that i'm more educated I think they are healthy. They are, but not in the amounts I can consume them. So I am going to show myself that I can control this and win!!

Today my mom and I went to Jodi's hometown of Seymour to visit our cousin Bobbi Jo. Did you see that Jodi? We didn't even know LOL!!!! It was a fun visit because she is a hoot to be around. It was her b-day and my mom got her a chocolate pie. On the 45 min drive down there I ate my salad sans chicken but Bobbi cut 3 pieces of pie and I wasn't going to say anything. I did well though, I didn't eat the whipped cream or the crust and only a bit of the chocolate. Best part is I didn't freak out! I felt like a normal person! A few hours later I went out to the car and ate my apple and tuna :) I'll admit when I got home I did a half an hour of cardio but that's it LOL!

I want to get these abs back! I need this visual so that I don't go and eat some PB LOL!!!!!


Liimu said...

Hey, April,

Oh, man - I can totally relate! (And if those are your abs, how COOL is it that you know you can get those?) I have been making a homemade protein bar that Melissa recommended with peanut butter and have been able to have a single serving, no more. Who knew I could do that? As for the pie, well, that I absolutely cannot do.

I want those abs, too!!! WAAAHHH!!!

*ANA* said...

dont do it april run!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow April, your self control astounds me. Can you send some this way? PLEASE! Beautiful abs and YES you will have them again!

Tearose said...

mmm... peanut butter, I have bought 2 jars in the last 2 weeks ago and they each lasted 3 days :S and no one else had any! =0 I love PB.

CathyC said...

I love almond butter, even on my egg whites. I need willpower too and I'm sure your abs are there-you are strong that's for sure! :))

April said...

LMAO! You guys are the best! It's nice to know i'm not the only one with a PB problem. I just don't ever buy it BUT i'm trying to improve ;)

Those are my abs and I think they are still there i'm just REALLY white LOL! My butt, outer thighs and love handles are there too and they're all friends.

Melissa Cunningham said...

girl, you and that peanut buttr!!LOL!!!! i think you got this though,with the will power i mean-one of the best ways to conquer your fears is to face it head on and beat it!!! OH and also great job keeping your sanity levels and feeling like a "normal" person-at least if only for a little while!!!
keep up the great work-AND moderation is the key with the PB!! i am desperatly trying to avoid it in large amounts right now......grrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Holy Abs!!!

After seeing those abs, I have to ask, what is your fav ab move? Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Unknown said...

In order to keep great shape you have to develop healthy eating habits. I’ve read somewhere that even if you attend gym every day but keep eating junk food – you are wasting your time. Lots of useful advices on proper nutrition I have found here militarygradenutritionals.com/blog/military-for-women/. They provide special tips for women and lots of motivative ideas!