
Thursday, June 26, 2008

New Supplement

My new supplement is working!

Fibersure = relief

Tonight I came home and it started storming BAD! I did my warmup on the treadmill, started doing roman chairs and thought I really don't feel like working out. Kept doing it and not getting the best workout I could get. Then the power went out :) It was a sign from God, I went and laid on the bed and took a nap LOL!

I think TOM is still trying to come out. I'm not sure if it will actually work but i'm having the symptoms. That's why an ab workout today would have sucked! I'll do it on Sunday though because I love me some abs! I'm hoping in a weird way that since Tony upped my cals recently that maybe my body will start to function?

I'm still working on those pics :) Thinking about taking them anyway.....


Peaches*n*Cream said...

hey girl, dookey!! YAY!! I have no problems with that with all the eggs i am eating. I feel really sorry for anyone who is around when i have the silent deadly poots...lol. I hope you start seeing more results by just upping the cals, that might be what your body needs with all the cardio you are doing. Looking forward to your pics!

ColeC said...

That is good stuff ;)
Have you tried those carb-balance tortillas? They are low calorie and very high in fiber and protein.

I agree with the above comment...I would bet money on it that now that you are feeding your body you will see the weight drop.

Anonymous said...

Wow, glad things are coming out well. ;) hee-hee.

Just a stupid question for you, why no TOM? Hope you feel some relief from that soon.

So glad that you're getting more cals and a change in diet. Hope it works better for you!

Pics, yeah, bring em on!

Barbara said...

I hop on your blog and the Huey Lewis song just popped in my head"I wanna new drug"...based on the title of your post I guess.

I'm silly...

Have a good weekend!!!


Lori said...

77 days girlie!!! It will be here before you know it. I remember 77 days from my last one. OMG, I have alot of work to do.

Glad the poops are good, that always helps. I love a good poop.

Sunnie said...

So glad things are a flowin!

Beth Graves said...

Hey April, It's Beth..long lost dreambodies friend. You look amazing! I am so far off from seeing my abs it scares me. It is mind boggling what a year of NOTHING can do for a body...but I am on it.


My blog has a new home.
Looking forward to following your progress and gaining my inspiration from your motivation.