
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Told Ya!

While emailing with Angela, Tina and Stacey last week I told them they won't believe this pic of my stomach Sunday night! I felt like I was gonna explode! Was it worth it?.....HELL YEAH!

My weight was the exact same as it was yesterday morning...even after the bbq sandwich and slivers of fudge :) Today's damage was a salad with walnuts and goat cheese mmmmm.....

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Moose Munch!!!!! They also have milk chocolate, dark chocolate and cherry chocolate. Hell, i'll get one of each since there are 4 of us and we can share :)


jimpurdy1943@yahoo.com said...

Uh ... well, the salad sounds okay, anyway.

Stef said...

Amazing how fast one's body can go from flat to bloated! Sugar totally does that to me.

Glad your tummy is flat again!


Laurie said...

:) with the exception of this latest pic - you're looking fantastic!!! (the cheat gut is so bad - it never occured to me to take a picture of it :)

Anonymous said...

Ha that's awesome!!! ....mmmmmm moose munch :)

Angela said...

mmmmmmm...moose munch :) Im waiting for it...patiently ;)

Sunnie said...

I love Moose Munch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B said...

your hilarious! even with bloat you look better than most

GClef1970 said...

WHAT-FREAKIN'-EVER!! I'd probably have an orgasm if my stomach looked like your bloated version. LOL

Anonymous said...

Mel, you crack me up!

Ha! THAT'S BLOATED??!!? You are too cute! Gotta see MY stomach BLOATED!

Mmmm, that Moose Munch looks delicious!

C2 said...

The comments are hilarious..... :)

You still are one of my heroes even with your bloated gut! :)

Love you!

~ Elizabeth

Tina said...

Hilarious!! You weren't kidding...I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!