
Saturday, December 29, 2007

I love cottage cheese!

I'm sitting here eating my beloved cottage cheese, drinking coffee, yes with sugar-free vanilla creamer and watching my husband fold the clothes :)

I went to Target of course and tried some clothes on. Shopping just isn't as fun when you have a layer of chub. I was gonna get this one shirt because it had 75 on the back of it which was the year I was born. Then I thought I should NOT get this shirt for that same reason!

Here is where I bought the beloved mug.

I bought a bunch of happy bunny magnets to put on the girl's cubicles at work. The one i'll use for mine is exercise hard, eat right, die anyway

What's up with the word beloved?? I don't ever use that word and I used it twice in this post!!!


Stef said...

I love cottage cheese too! I eat it every day before bed...it is like dessert!!!!!


Angela said...

I like the shirt that says "suck it up buttercup" LOL!

Sunnie said...

Oh I have a Rolling Stone's shirt that has 81 on the back which is when I graduated from high school. I figured I better stay away from the birth year since it was like eeeeeooooonnnnnnsssss ago!
Gee, that means you were like 6 when I graduated, holy moly.

Anonymous said...

Um, should I be feeling bad here? I was born in 69. Um, you YOUNG little chickie!!

Cottage cheese with a little splenda and come nutmeg, mmmmmm.

I love the word beloved. Don't use it too often though.

Like the fact that Hubby was folding clothes while you watched. Hee-hee.

Anonymous said...

Whoops!!! I meant SOME nutmeg, not COME nutmeg. Oh the naughtiness running through my mind. LOL.

ColeC said...

Love that mug down below...we all need one of those ;)

Target is such a great place to shop...you should get that shirt anyway...flaunt it girl!

Hubby folding clothes...NICE!!

Danielle said...

That magnet is really funny, very cute idea!! I say that I love cottage cheese, but I am lying to myself (shh don't tell).

Eh you shouldve gotten the shirt!!! You look fantastic, wear your year proudly!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Happy Bunny :)

Barbara said...

What up Jane Fonda?

thanks for that mug info although my heart is set on a "get the fuck out of my way" gym top:)

Happy NY!!