
Friday, June 29, 2007

Got my hair did

Short post. Found a new pic that is a little shorter than the one posted. Husband has camera with him. I gave my Tool ticket to one of his friends who has been a fan longer than me. Good wife. LOVE my short hair. Crappy camera phone pic. Gotta go do more cardio. 117.8 this morning!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Great hair girllllll!!!!!!!!

117.8???? wow you are meltinggggggg

Keep it up


Jen said...

So cute April! You have one of the BEST smiles!! You with your new hair and smile are gonna look great on stage....

P.S., love the bicep shots too!!

Angela said...

It looks soo cute! I love it! Have fun this weekend!

Barbara said...

Dude...great hir, fantastic job on the lower weight and WTF of the tool ticket? NEVER give up TOOL..they are so wonderful live. Grrr

Have a great weekend!

ColeC said...

I love the new haircut!!! And like Jen said, you do have one of the best smiles I know!!

I think that was cool of you to give up the ticket, but I hope you ended up doing something else that was fun????

The last post...WOW!! You have some kick-ass arms going!! Love it!