
Thursday, July 19, 2007


Current Progress
Start: 133.0 lb (60.5 kg) Change: -16.2 lb (-7.4 kg)
Current: 116.8 lb (53.1 kg) Percent Change: -12.2 %

Goal Tracking

Historical Values Date Body Stats: Weight Change %-Change
Jul 14, 2007 `116.8 lb / -1.0 lb / -0.8 %
Jun 29, 2007 `117.8 lb / -0.6 lb / -0.5 %
Jun 25, 2007 `118.4 lb / -0.6 lb / -0.5 %
Jun 9, 2007 `119.0 lb / -0.8 lb / -0.7 %
May 28, 2007 `119.8 lb / -0.2 lb / -0.2 %
Apr 17, 2007 `120.0 lb / 1.0 lb / 0.8 %
Mar 20, 2007 `119.0 lb / -1.0 lb / -0.8 %
Mar 8, 2007 `120.0 lb / -2.0 lb / -1.6 %
Feb 3, 2007 `122.0 lb /-11.0 lb / -8.3 %
Jan 1, 2007 `133.0 lb (

Wow that first month I partied like a rock star! The only gain was when I switched to the digital scale but that doesn't count LOL! I guess I really started at 134.0. When I look at the last pound I lost and was discouraged it was still a .8% change which looks better to me!

I am excited to see what my overall percent will end up at! Before I eat this dessert I have picked out for after the show mmmmmm.........


Barbara said...

Fantastic progress..you are rock n' rollin:)

Mmmmmmmmm on the dessert. Looks like a very well deserved treat...

Angela said...

Great progress! You are just melting away! I hope to join you in that dessert...yum!

Laurie said...

That is impressive!!! You have lost a ton. Don't focus on the percent of change, I'm no math whiz, but I would think that since your getting closer to your goal and have less and less to lose that this would be smaller.

Anonymous said...

Its a big change to be honest.

And...looking on your pics...its a even bigger change. You look tighter and firmer. With muscle definition. So dont get discouraged...

Dessert...yummy yummy lol

;_) Take care


Sunnie said...

What a great job!

KatieFeldmom said...

Awesome job!!! Keep up the great work!!!